Monday, April 2, 2012

Smile for the camera

Last weekend we had a
friend take pictures for us. In a rare Düsseldorf moment, the sun was actually shining! We wanted to take pics where we live and play, so we headed to the Hofgarten, which is just 2 blocks from our flat. We go there nearly every day when the weather's nice (ie. not raining).

Martin commented on how crazy his hair looked, and I said "His hair is crazy!" That's probably my favorite pic - the full length one of him with his crazy hair and goofy grin. I think Ricardo captured him perfectly - I couldn't be more happy.

My favorite!
Now comes the challenging part where we have to actually put them up in our house. I'm embarassed to say that we had pictures done last year as well, and we never put them up despite hot stinkin' cute they were.

Check out a few more pics on Ricardo's blog

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